So thankful…

Just because Thanksgiving is over doesn’t mean one should forget all of the blessings in their life.

I’m so thankful this year because I was able to actually step outside of my comfort zone and I opened my own Poshmark shop. You can visit my shop @ debra_stylewise on the app. I haven’t made much money there as I have bought more than I’ve sold (Lol!) . But I am thrilled that I took a chance. Remember my word for the year…courage?…

I am also really excited that I have made some new friends. And I even began a new career in my 50s. Wow!! I’ve also been more dedicated to my yoga practice and that has made me more confident and healthier. That’s a LOT to be thankful for.

So what about you? What are you thankful for? Please let me know in the comment section below.

One last thing I am thankful for are my readers. You all are so lovely and I appreciate you taking time out of your day to read my posts. Thank you.

Much affection,


One thought on “So thankful…

  1. Wonderful Deb! Good to hear from you. First, congrats on your Poshmark shop. I have been on there for awhile and find amazing deals as a buyer,being a seller has been tricky for me. I sell here and there..
    I do think that we need to reflect and feel grateful more often that just the Holidays. I find as I get older, I have been appreciating more and more. Congrats on your job and I am sure it is nice to meet new people too.
    Hope you are doing well.
    Jess xx

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